ASDAF Data Directory
Welcome to the ASDAF Data Directory!
There is a wide variety of space data for many different use cases. Much of it comes from remote sensing, gathered from satellites looking down at the earth and gathering informtion. This is usually some form of light, whether visual, infrared, RADAR, or any other wavelength. Once this data is collected in chunks called ‘bands’, it is processed into what’s known as higher-level products. These higher-level products tell us things such as the amount of trees in an area, particle concentrations in the air, and even what makes up the oceans!
This page includes information about all these space data uses. It lists this data sorted by industry use, as well as by source.
The Basics
If you’re new to space data, this is the section for you.
All space data will take some understanding of GIS (Geographic Information Systems), but even as an absolute beginner you can still make use of some resources.
Perhaps the best starting point would be the National Map. This portal gives you an interactive view of Australia. Upon launching the web page, click the “I’ll need some help” button or “Take the tour” buttons. If you lose these, try refreshing the page.
If you’re already familar with GIS data, try looking at our Lost of Open data by Industry use or by source.
Automatic Data Downloader
The ASDAF data downloader is a tool created by ASDAF to help buisnesses and researchers more easily access space-data programmatically. It requires an intermediate level of knowledge of the python programming language to use.
There are many resources for accessing space-data, however they are usually either designed for specific cloud-only environments, or require substaintial setup to use locally. The ASDAF Data downloader aims to be a free lightweight, easy to use tool to query and download space data onto a workstation or server.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of suggestions for use by particular industries. Care should be taken when relying on data products based on its accuracy and your unique accuracy requirements.
Agricultural uses of space data include monitoring the area used for:
- Ground moisture
- Catchments
- Forestry data
- Soil health
- Vegetation health/cover – eg NDVI
Forrestry use of space data can include monitoring the extent and health of forrests.
- Moisture content
- Vegetation health/cover – eg NDVI
- Forrest Canopy Height
- Total Biomass
Uses of space data in the aquaculture industries include monitoring geophysical parameters of the waters used to infer fish/shellfish population health and yield. These can include:
- Sediment Index
- Ocean Chlorphyll Index
- Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient (Kd)
Government/Urban Planning
- Detecting illegal activity, eg illegal deforrestation, etc
- Detecting changes over time
- Mapping urban heat with surface temperature data
Uses for Mining generally include both exploration and monitoring:
- Surface mineral concetration maps for exploration
- False Colour Images (FCI’s) that use non-visual wavelengths for faux-geology maps
- Tenement data
- Monitoring mine extents, detecting changes over time, assessing risk etc.
- Help assess environmental impacts
BFSI (Banking, Financial services & Insurance)
Uses in the BFSI industries usually revovle around monitoring and quality assurance.
Digital Earth Australia
Data Types | Description |
Coastlines | |
Waterbodies | |
Intertidal DEM | The area of coastline exposed and flooded by ocean tides |
Intertidal extents | The area of coastline exposed and flooded by ocean tides |
High and Low tide comparison | |
Fractional cover | Fractional Cover (FC) is a measurement that splits the landscape into three parts, or fractions; green (leaves, grass, and growing crops), brown (branches, dry grass or hay, and dead leaf litter), and bare ground (soil or rock) |
Water observations from space | |
Dynamic Land Cover Dataset | The DLCD provides a basis for reporting on change and trends in vegetation cover and extent across the continent. |
National Map
Data Types | Description |
Agriculture | Catchment, land use, forrests etc. |
Communications | Telecommuncations, abc photo stories, black spot program |
Elevation – incl SRTM 30m | DEMs, contours, etc |
Energy | Power, EV’s, etc |
Environment | Reserves, etc. |
Framework | Borders etc |
Habitation | Post offices, urban regions, names etc |
Health | Health offices, networks, covid resources |
Infrastructure | Dams, storage tanks, waste management etc |
Land cover & Use | Geology, mining, geophysics datasets, caves, etc |
Marine and Oceans | Bathymetry, tide & intertidal data, Hydrology & Marine Layers, AIMS data (wind, water & air temp, sediment, reef data, etc) |
National Boundaries | Local, state, federal boundaries, postal areas, remoteness, electoral divisions, etc |
Satellite Images | Sentinel2, Landsat 5, 7, & 8 |
Social and Economic | Births, deaths, census, housing, population estimates, taxation, etc |
Statistical Boundaries | Boundaries of data, ABS statistical boundaries, indigenous boundaries, etc |
Transport | Airfields, bridges, ferries, key freight routes, rail roads |
Utility | Oil & gas pipelines, powerlines |
Vegetation | fractional cover, mangroves, MODIS vegetation cover |
Water | Ground water, surface water, water observations from space | data | See section |
State gov data | Differs per state, many different types, carparks, forrestry, health, education, council data, etc |
local gov data | Differs per council, traffic lights, car parks, clause areas, planning, wireless access points, etc |
Sentinel Australia Regional Access Hub (SARA)
↓ Data Types ↓ | Description |
Sentinel 1 | Radar weather data |
Sentinel 2 | Multi-spectral data in the visible, near infrared, and short wave infrared |
Sentinel 3 – SLSTR | Sea and land temperature |
Sentinel 3 – OLCI | Medium res spectrometer data for water vapour, aerosol, chlorophyll, etc |
Sentinel 3 – SRAL | Radar Altimeter |
Sentinel 3 – SYNERGY | Land use montioring |
Australian Ocean Data Network
↓ Data Types ↓ | Description |
Aircraft | Research data gathered via aircraft |
AUV data | Data gathered by autonomous underwater vehicle |
Biological platform | Geographical biological data |
Fixed stations | Data from fixed stations – temp, chemistry, bio-optical etc |
Float | Data from floats – biogeochem |
Glider | Sub-surface glider data, salinity, chlorophyll, temp, turbidity, etc |
Mooring and buoy | Velocity, temp, chemistry, wave height, etc etc. |
Radar | Radar data |
Satellite data | High level products of AQUA, NOAA17-19, Sentinel 1, SNPP (eg clorophyll, phytoplankton species, productivity, temp, etc |
Vessel | Research vessels gathering phtoplankton abundance, radar, zooplankton, temp & salinity, chem data, turbidity etc |
↓ Data Types ↓ | Description |
Elevation | |
Gravity | |
Magnetic | |
Radiometric |
NCI Threads
↓ Data Types ↓ | Description |
3D Geological models of Aus | Inversions, seismic interp, topology etc |
ANU Water and Landscape Dynamics | Water, biomass, land cover, fire etc |
ARC Climate data | Data about climate science and climate extremes |
ASTER maps of Australia | Data from the ASTER satellite – surface mineral concentrations, vegtation index, etc |
Australian Bathymetry Data | Ocean floor elevations |
Australian Climate Observations Reference Network | Long term Temperature data from 112 locations across aus |
Australian Gridded Climate Dataset | Temp, precipitations, vapour |
Australian Marine Video and Imagery Data | Images and video of marine specimens and environments |
Australian Natural Hazards Data archive | Data on earthquakes, tsunami, flood, cyclones, and their impacts. Observed and predicted |
Australian Regional Copernicus Data Hub – Sentinel-1,2,3 | Sentinel data – see Sentinel Australasia |
Australian Research Radar Archive | C, S, X band radar |
Bureau of Meteorology – CAWCR – POAMA Data Catalog using a Legacy Structure | Predictive ocean atmosphere model – forecasts for rainfall, temperature, etc |
Bureau of Meteorology Observations Data | Registered research only data? |
Bureau of Meteorology Ocean-Marine Reference Data | |
Bureau of Meteorology Seasonal Prediction Data | Ocean atmosphere model – weekly to seasonal forecasts with POAMA |
CMIP5/NRM | Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 |
COSIMA Model Output | Consortium for Ocean-Sea Ice Modelling in Australia |
Decadal Forecast Project | Forecasts as part of CSIROs DCFP |
eMAST TERN | Ecosystem Modelling and Scaling Infrastructure |
eReefs GBR Model Data | Great Barrier Reef Data |
ESGF Australian Data – CMIP5, CORDEX, GeoMIP, PMIP3 | Climate data part of the Earth System Grid Federation |
ESGF Australian Data – CMIP5, GeoMIP, PMIP3, CORDEX | Climate data part of the Earth System Grid Federation |
ESGF Australian Data – CMIP6 | Climate data part of the Earth System Grid Federation |
GA Earth Observations – Data | Landsat 5,7,8 data |
GA Earth Observations – Derived | Derived landsat data – See Digital Earth Australia section (land coverage, mangroves, intertidal, surface reflectance, etc.) |
Geoscience Australia Geophysics Reference Data Collection | Airborne, ground, and marine geophysics data |
Geoscience Australia Landsat Analysis Ready Data Collection 3 | Landsat data |
Geodesy GNSS Data Archive | Geodesy data from GNSS’s |
GeoGLAM | Agriculture monitoring |
Geophysics reference data | Geophysics data – airborne mag & rad, ground grav |
GSWA Geophysics Data | Magnetic, radiometric, and Gravity grids |
HAIC-HIWC Project 2014 | High altitude ice crystals and high ice water content |
IMOS and TERN-AusCover Satellite Products | MANY Processed datasets from many satellite missions – Copernicus(S1,S2,S3), Armada, avhrr, hyperion, meris, modis, seawifs, solar, viirs, wirada |
Marine Virtual Laboratory Collection | Atmosphere, bathymetry, coastline, land, ocean data for MARVL (from IMOS) |
MH370 Phase 1 Data | Data on search for missing flight MH370 |
MH370 Phase 2 Data | Data on search for missing flight MH370 |
National CT-lab Tomography Data | CT scans of many different fossils |
OFAM – Ocean Forecasting Australia Model | OFAM Prediction model data |
Operational Weather Radar Network Archive | Waeather data for australia from its radar network |
Sentinal-2 Analysis Ready Data | Sentinel 2 data |
The University of Adelaide Magnetotellurics Data | Magnetotelluric data from around aus |
Direct access to assorted government data sets, including remote sensing data.
ESA Copernicus hub
Original ESA source for Copernicus (Sentinel) data. Many products are stored ‘offline’, and will have an associated waiting period upon being ordered.
Original source for Landsat data sources. Requires an account and for products to be (usually freely) ordered.
NASA Open Data Portal
Assorted NASA datasets