rotating-slide ASDAF's Services With services offered across four distinct areas, ASDAF seeks to advance Australia's economy.

1. Access to Data

ASDAF provides assistance in accessing analysis-ready data – open and commercial – and related processing tools. This includes training on accessing and using these data sources and tools. Access ASDAF’s Data Directory to explore open space data sets.  

2. Specialised Data Analytics Tools

ASDAF’s experts can assist SMEs and researchers develop data products, tools, and computational workflows to improve their existing projects and commence new ones, and can then facilitate access to the high-performance computing necessary to apply them.

Projects partnered with ASDAF will also receive training support, which includes support to integrate and deploy the new tools and their underlying technologies.

3. Training and Capacity Building

ASDAF offers personalised face-to-face or online training programs. These training programs are either general purpose and developed to address current gaps in space data knowledge or tailored for SMEs and researchers.

Examples of relevant training include:

  • A ‘how-to’ in the use of the tools and workflows for attaining, processing and analysing space data.
  • Commercialisation training support.
  • Training in the technologies used to develop specialised data analytics so applicants can conduct their own support and customisation.

4. Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration

ASDAF actively promotes knowledge transfer and collaboration between SMEs and researchers through its events, seminars, and workshops.

Are you an Australian SME or researcher looking to leverage space data?