Delivery Partners
The Curtin Institute for Data Science is an interdisciplinary knowledge accelerator. The institute’s aim is to apply data science and high-performance computing to provide innovative solutions to the real-world problems of government, industry, and academia.
The Institute was established in 2015 to meet the growing demand for computational modelling, data analytics and visualisation. Since its conception, the Institute has expanded to incorporate the needs of government, cooperative research centres, small to medium-sized enterprises, and not-for-profits across a multitude of sectors, including manufacturing and technology; agriculture and aquaculture; health and science; business and commerce.
The Pawsey Supercomputing Centre is an unincorporated joint venture between CSIRO, Curtin University, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University and The University of Western Australia. Pawsey is supported by the Western Australian and Federal governments.
The centre’s aim is to encourage and energise research that uses supercomputing, large scale data storage, and visualisation in WA. Additionally, the centre provides facilities and expertise to the research, educational, and industrial communities. Application areas include nanotechnology; radio astronomy; high energy physics; medical research; mining and petroleum; architecture and construction; multimedia; and urban planning.
The WA Data Science Innovation Hub (WADSIH) is a joint partnership between the WA State Government and Curtin University. WADSIH’s goal is to ensure WA remains at the forefront of the digital revolution by increasing the uptake, training and awareness of data science in WA.
WADSIH acts as the bridge between community, industry, academia, and government. It connects Western Australian capabilities and resources to further advance the application of data science, leading to economic growth and new jobs across WA.
Earth Observation Australia Inc. is a collaboration hub for everyone who collects and uses earth observation data in Australia. It works to connect and coordinate the sector across government, industry, and research and non-government organisations.
The SmartSat CRC is a consortium of universities, research organisations, and industries that is funded by the Australian Government. The aim is to develop the know-how and technology in advanced telecommunications; IoT connectivity; intelligent satellite systems; and next-generation Earth observation data services.
This research will create intellectual property and specialist industry expertise to develop new businesses, create export economic value, and generate new high-tech jobs.