rotating-slide ASDAF Data Directory Exploring space data to accelerate innovation.

Welcome to the ASDAF Data Directory

Currently, there is a wide variety of space data available – much of which is from remote sensing, Earth observation satellites – which can be used for many different purposes. However, this data is often difficult to find; this portal aims to aggregate and categorise the major types and sources of this space data. 

Earth observation space data is normally a form of light,  whether visual, infrared, RADAR, or another wavelength, and is collected in ‘bands’ – sections of the electromagnetic spectrum. Depending on the amount and width of the bands, they are either known as ‘multispectral’ (a few wide bands) or ‘hyperspectral’ (many thin bands).

Once collected, these raw ‘low-level’ bands can be processed into ‘higher-level’ products to determine things such as the amount of trees in an area, particle concentrations in the air, or the make-up of the oceans. 

The Basics

All space data takes some understanding of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) but even a novice can make use of some resources.

The best starting point would be the portals National Map, DEA Maps, or NASA’s Worldview; each gives an interactive view of Australia. Upon launching the portal’s web page, click the ‘help’ button.

Those already familiar with GIS data are invited to use our lists of open data by industry use or by source.

Happy searching!

Access drone resources for additional Earth imagery.

Earth observation and drone imagery are often used synergistically, drone data by itself is considered outside the scope of the activities of ASDAF. Despite this, the value of drone data to the Earth observation community is clear. 

You can access a non-exhaustive list of freely available drone resources below.