A 'True Color Image' of the WA coastline (TCI) built from BO2 (Blue), BO3 (Green), and BO4 (Red) bands. Copernicus Sentinel-2 data, 16 January 2022
A TCI built from deglinted Red, Green, and Blue bands of the WA Coastline. Modified Copernicus Sentinel-2 data, 16 January 2022.

BMT Commercial Australia 

Involved organisations:

BMT Commercial Australia. 


Environmental and mechanical consulting. 

Services rendered from ASDAF:

Data analytics; ocean remote-sensing expertise; software engineering.

Project overview:

BMT Water and Environment uses datasets and workflows (provided by Digital Earth Australia’s ‘Open Data Cube’) to manually run computations that monitor, investigate and analyse oceanic conditions and vegetation in the coastal waters around Australia.

BMT aims to increase its capacity to support long-term analysis by creating new interactive workflows where much of the work is automated, allowing BMT to easily process the collected satellite data.

ASDAF is partnering with BMT to support its goal of automation by delivering remote sensing expertise in de-glinting, super-resolving images, and automating data product creation. Additionally, ASDAF is providing its expertise on the automatic machine classification of marine habitats.